Hello This is Edward

Product & Graphic Designer / Software Developer
Service Provided

Build brands campaigns
& digital projects

  • Graphic design

    Defining the future through elegant Graphic Designs.

    Web App

    On the edge of art, design and innovation, i specialized in creating visually rich imagery.

    Product design

    I specialise in Web and mobile app design and development to build products that delight your users and grow your business.

    Product & Graphic Designs

    Some of my awesome
    stuffs here

    mDaktari App IU design

    Access Afya MCH Booklet

    Curafa Social Media Campaign

    Access Afya Social Media Campaign

    mDaktari Social Media Campaign

    Introducing mDaktari

    Curafa Social Media Campaign

    Curafa Marketing Flyer


    About me

    Energetic Software Developer and a Graphic Designer, creating and maintaining functional, attractive, and responsive websites for companies and Individuals. Clear understanding of modern technologies and best design practices.

    20 +

    Total Projects


    On Going Projects

    95 %

    Job Success

    Let’s discuss for a project

    I live in a world of infinite possibilities, preferring to see things not as they are but as they could be. I'm a problem solver with a keen interest in contributing to society through design.

    Start Talking